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姓名: 李萍 出生年月: 1982.10

性别: 硕/博导: 硕士生导师

民族: 开设课程: 植物生理学 植物生理学实验、基础生物化学实验、生理生化在作物栽培上的应用

职称: 副教授 研究方向: 作物抗旱节水栽培(作物栽培与耕作方向)

学位: 工学博士




1. 国家自然科学基金:干旱胁迫下水稻调控同化物分配的稳产机理研究,2019-2021,主持

2. 国家重点研发计划子课题:长江中下游北部水稻节水及水稻旱作栽培技术创新,2017-2020,主持

3. 湖北省自然科学基金:孕穗期和灌浆乳熟期干旱影响水稻产量与水分利用效率的机理研究,2015-2016,主持

4. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目:短期干旱对水稻水分利用效率的影响及其生理基础研究,2014-2015,主持

5. 教育部博士点基金:不同类型水稻品种水分利用效率的差异及其生理基础研究,2014-2016,主持

6. 新进博士科研启动专项:作物抗旱节水特性及其生理基础研究,2012-2013,主持


1. 一种测定作物群体不同高度处光合速率、呼吸速率以及温室气体排放的装置(ZL 2017 2 1770487.7 ),实用新型专利,2018授权,排1.

2. 一种春玉米套直播晚稻一年两熟种植方法(ZL 2018 1 0234717.0),发明专利,2020授权,排7.

3. 一种水稻直播半期旱作的栽培方法(申请号:201810972505.2),发明专利,排1.

4. 一种测定作物群体不同高度处光合速率、呼吸速率以及温室气体排放的装置及方法(申请号:201711366559.6),发明专利,排1.

5. 一种用于再生稻系统的两季旱作栽培技术方法(申请号:201911381919.9),发明专利,排3.


1. Zongkui Chen#, Haiyu Chen, Yang Jiang, Jinping Wang, Aziz Khan, Ping Li#, Cougui Cao*(2020). Metabolomic analysis reveals metabolites and pathways involved in grain quality traits of high-quality rice cultivars under a dry cultivation system. Food Chemistry, 326:126845.

2. Zongkui Chen#, Ping Li#, Songsong Jiang, Haiyu Chen, Jinping Wang, Cougui Cao*(2020). Evaluation of resource and energy utilization, environmental and economic benefits of rice water-saving irrigation technologies in a rice-wheat rotation system. Science of the Total Environment,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143748.

3. Xiaolong Yang, Benfu Wang, Liang Chen, Ping Li*, Cougui Cao*(2019). The different influences of drought stress at the flowering stage on rice physiological traits, grain yield, and quality. Scientific Reports, 9:3742.

4. Zongkui Chen#, Xiaolong Yang#, Weizhou Song, Aziz Khan, Ullah Najeeb, Ping Li*, Cougui Cao* (2020). Water-saving cultivation plus super rice hybrid genotype improves water productivity and yield. Agronomy Journal, 112:1764-1777.

5. Zongkui Chen#, Wuwu XU#, Ju Nie, Aziz Khan, Cougui Cao, Ping Li* (2020). Drought stress intensity, duration and its resistance impact on rice ( Oryza sativa L.) seedling. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 18(1):469-486.

6. Ping Li, Jianli Chen, Pute Wu (2012). Evaluation of grain yield and three physiological traits in 30 spring wheat genotypes across three irrigation regimes. Crop Science, 52:110–121.

7. Ping Li, Jianli Chen, Pute Wu, J. Zhang, C. Chu, D. See, G. Brown-Guedira, R. Zemetra, and E. Souza (2011). Quantitative trait loci analysis for the effect of Rht-B1 dwarfing gene on coleoptile length and seedling root length and number of bread wheat. Crop Science, 51:2561–2568.

8. Ping Li, Jianli Chen, Pute Wu (2011). Agronomic characteristics and grain yield of 30 spring wheat genotypes under drought stress and nonstress conditions. Agronomy Journal, 103:1619–1628.

9. Ping Li, Pute Wu, Jianli Chen (2012). Evaluation of flag leaf chlorophyll content index in 30 spring wheat genotypes under three irrigation regimes. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 6:1123-1130.

10. Ping Li, Pute Wu, Jianli Chen (2011). Water use efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency of 30 spring wheat genotypes under drought stress and well-watered conditions. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 20:8-17.

11. 曹凑贵, 李成芳, 展茗, 汪金平, 李萍(2014). 低碳稻作理论与实践. 科学出版社(撰写第4章,约6.2万字).

12. 宋维周,刘仁旺,江颂颂,江元元,曹凑贵,李萍*(2019). 节水抗旱稻与高产水稻不同叶位光合特征对土壤水分变化的响应. 推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉平台学报, 38(2):45-54(CSCD).

13. 补红英,宋维周,曹凑贵,李萍*(2017). 节水抗旱稻旱优113号的根系生长对土壤水分亏缺的响应. 中国农业科学, 50(22):4277-4289(CSCD).

14. 李萍,曹鹏,江颂颂,张建设,曹凑贵*(2020). 湖北省旱稻种植现状及其发展前景. 湖北农业科学, 59(8):17-20,24.

15. 陈亮, 汪本福, 江元元, 曹凑贵, 李萍*(2016). 孕穗期干旱及复水对水稻叶片生理生化和产量的影响. 中国稻米, 22(1):59-64.

16. 杨晓龙, 汪本福, 陈亮, 曹凑贵, 李萍*(2015). 抽穗期干旱对水稻生理性状和产量的影响. 中国稻米, 21(4):138-141.

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